Do you have a question? Contact us.
We value your time and we are happy to answer your questions. Many of them are answered in our FAQ. If you have not found an answer there, please contact us. There are many possibilities – visit our showroom, write an e-mail or just call us.
Outer office
- +48 62 59 96 710
- Monday - Friday 9.00 - 16.00
Customer service
- +48 62 59 96 740
- Monday - Friday 10.00 - 18.00
Dział gwaracji
- +48 62 59 96 735
- Monday - Friday 9.00 - 16.00
Obsługa inwestycji i meble na wymiar
- +48 536 117 581
- Monday - Friday 08.00 - 16.00
Company address
56-513 Międzybórz
About Company
REGON: 021935154
KRS: 0000429627
Kapitał Zakładowy: 5.348.400 zł
Sąd Rejonowy we Wrocławiu
Contact form
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Frequent questions from users
Is it possible to order the samples of the fabrics?
Yes. You can order the samples of the fabrics, using this form.
What can I do when I need to make a complaint clam?
The best way to file a complaint is to contact the showroom or the distributor, where you made the purchase of the furniture.
Where can I buy the furniture of the Wajnert brand?
You can purchase the Wajnert brand furniture at the company’s showrooms Wajnert Meble or at the partner’s showrooms. All needed locations and their addresses you will find here.
Is the furniture available in other color options?
Yes, currently on the website you can see 39 fabric collections and their range of colors and hues. The full offer, meaning over 70 fabric collections and over 1000 colors, can be viewed by going to one of the showrooms or partner’s showrooms.
Where can I find the usage and maintenance rules of the furniture?
Each piece of furniture has an attached Product Passport, which contains the rules for use and maintenance of furniture. We highly recommend that you follow these recommendations for better protection and longer life of your furniture.
See all frequently asked questions on the FAQ page